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Easily integrate

One platform, full integration

By providing a seamless experience within one integrated environment, users can effortlessly connect data sources, perform transformations, and build data models.

This minimizes manual steps and increases efficiency. Collaborating within teams is simplified, thereby increasing productivity and reducing the risk of errors. Experience the power of full integration with TimeXtender for improved data management performance.

Replace the data stack

The term data stack refers to a collection of tools required to achieve one goal, namely setting up a central data warehouse. With TimeXtender, you only need one solution that manages all tasks and underlying logic. This results in a cost savings of up to 70% by eliminating manual work.

Data quality

TimeXtender uses built-in functionalities to monitor and guarantee data quality. This includes the use of quality rules and alerts.


Creating and maintaining documentation is traditionally seen as a tremendous job. Incomplete documentation thereby leads to problems with transfer and IT audits. In TimeXtender, creating documentation is literally just one press of a button. At any moment, complete end-to-end documentation can be printed out, describing in detail how a field is built, what operations have been done, and where the data comes from. Completely compliant and GDPR proof!

Data lineage

One the most beautiful functionalities of TimeXtender is data lineage. Wherever the data is located in the data warehouse, a visual representation can be easily opened at any time by right-clicking, showing which transformations have been executed and from which source the data originated.

Impact analysis

Because changes often need to be made to the data warehouse, it is useful to know what impact these changes will have. Through impact analysis, you can always see which fields your changes will affect. The great thing about TimeXtender is that these changes are automatically applied everywhere. For example, a name convention change is a piece of cake.

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