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TimeXtender customer event

March 6th

On March 6th, we will be organizing our TimeXtender customer event. An afternoon entirely dedicated to TimeXtender, the tool that allows you to optimize and manage your data effectively. During this afternoon, we will bring together various speakers, including TimeXtender experts themselves. They will inform you about the latest updates and newest developments. Don't miss out on this unique event and register today!


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Your chance to know everything about TimeXtender

As a valued customer of Victa, we understand that you want to be informed about all the innovations within TimeXtender. That's why we have organized this customer day, especially for you. It is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the possibilities of TimeXtender and how you can apply them in your organization. Throughout the afternoon, our experts will give presentations on various topics within TimeXtender. Whether you're an experienced user or just starting to explore this powerful tool, there is something for everyone.

TimeXtender Customer Day

12.00 - 13.00 Reception with lunch
13.00 - 14.00 General vision on the future
14.00 - 14.30 Customer case study
14.30 - 15.00 Break
15.00 - 15.30 Integration of Exmon in TimeXtender
15.30 - 16.00 Migration tool TimeXtender
16.00 - 17.00 Drinks


Van der Valk Hotel Utrecht
Winthontlaan 4
3526 KV Utrecht

Customer event

Sing up now

Register for the TimeXtender customer event

Are you curious about the latest developments in TimeXtender and do you want to learn everything about the new migration tool and Exmon? Then register now for the TimeXtender customer event.

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